Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

After a long and horrible summer with the Dursleys, Harry is glad to be back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he arrives in style in a flying car!, to start his second year.
Before leaving the Dursleys Harry is visited by Dobby, an elf-like creature, who warns him that he must not return to school, for great danger awaits him there. Of course, knowing Harry, he only wants to get away from his bedroom prison so he returns to Hogwarts only to stumble right into the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets.
Harry, and his friends Ron and Hermione, soon discover that the Chamber of Secrets contains a deadly monster. The Chamber has not been opened for 50 years and that the last time it was opened, someone died. However, there are signs at school that the Chamber will again be opened and the evil contained therein set loose once more, as children are frozen and very nearly killed by something unseen crawling the halls of the school. It is up to Harry and his friends to discover what it is and to stop it.
This story is funny, imaginative and intense as well as full of fantasy and mystery. It is a wonderful sequel to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and has lots of promise for more exceptional books in this series.
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