A Country Affair

This is the first book in the new Rebecca Shaw-series from the Barleybridge Veterinary Hospital. Unlike her Turnham Malpas novels, I did not find this book to be as predictable.
First we meet Kate as she is about to start her first day in her new job as a receptionist at the local veterinary practice. Kate is 19 and has recently finished her A-levels leaving her with two grade A's and a C in chemistry. It is the C that prevents her from entering college to become a vet, something she has dreamt of for a long time. Working in a veterinary practice is therefore the next best thing for her. It is not long until her new job has given her a boost of confidence and she is able to break out of her two-year relationship with boyfriend Adam. He wants them to get married and does not like the idea of Kate going off to college to study and have a career. It all turns ugly for a while and Kate seeks comfort and protection in the arms of Aussie vet, Scott. He gives her the confidence she needs to try and do something about her C in chemistry, so that she can get the A required to enrol in veterinary college.
It is all a very idyllic story with a few twists and turns but being the first book in the series, the ending still leaves the reader with many unanswered questions. Rebecca Shaw writes in such a way that you cannot help but feel for the characters and wish them well. Based on the first book I think this series might turn out better than her Tales from Turnham Malpas, though it is still very early days yet.