Anne of Green Gables

Anne Shirley is an orphan girl whose big vice is life is her red hair. At the age of 11 she arrives in Avonlea to stay with Matthew and Marilla at Green Gables. They originally wanted to adopt a boy to help them on the farm, but because of a misunderstanding the orphanage sends them a girl.
Both Matthew and Marilla soon take to liking Anne and the house livens up with her constant chatter and lively imagination. She also turns out to be a very bright girl, who does well in school and has an academic career all lined up before her.
The book ends on a sad note, as tragedy strikes at Green Gables and Anne's plans for her future changes. But not all changes are for the worse and knowing Anne she is sure to find a way out and a solution to her new situation.
It is packed with innocence but also great hopes, and the underlying theme of the story is that no matter where you come from and who you are, dreams can come true. A wonderfully funny book that I am sure girls of all ages (and boys too!) will love.