Anne of Avonlea

This is the second book in the series about Anne Shirley and it is just as sweet and wonderful as the first. Anne is now 16 and about to start on her teaching career at the local school in Avonlea. We follow her the first two years of her career and also get to know some of her pupils and their families.
The story pretty much follows the same pattern as the first book and it is so predictable it is not even funny, but that is about the only negative thing I have to say.
After two years of teaching, Anne finally gets the chance to start proper college and study towards her degree. She is, of course, delighted at the opportunity but also saddened at the prospect of leaving her dear home at Green Gables, in the very small community of Avonlea. But, her friend, Gilbert, is going away to college as well, which makes up for some of the homesickness. However, Anne has not yet opened her eyes to Gilbert's interest in her but being students at the same college this might change.
At home Marilla is kept company by the twins, Dora and Davy, and her good neighbour through the years, Rachel Lynde. Rachel has now moved in with Marilla following the death of her husband. Should be interesting to see how they get along...
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