I Capture the Castle

This novel is a love story set in the 1930s. 17-year-old Cassandra Mortimer lives with her family in a small ramshackle castle in the English countryside. She is the middle child, plainer than her older sister, but still lovely. A quiet observer; the serious girl who wishes to perfect her writing skills. This novel is her journal over six turbulent months of her life.
The family have very little money, mostly because their father, a writer blocked by his own past display of genius, has not written a novel in over a decade. His bohemian second wife, Topaz, poses nude in the rain and dyes the family clothes green for no good reason at all. Cassandra’s beautiful older sister, Rose, wishes desperately for a way out by marrying into money. There is also the witty younger brother, Thomas.
One day two wealthy American brothers, Simon and Neil, arrive at the castle. Rose decides to marry one for his money and using their guile, Rose and Cassandra begin devising a way to woo Simon's heart, which would lead to Rose's departure and riches for the family. It is all very muddled up when she runs off with the other brother and Cassandra kisses Rose's ex.
Her journal candidly chronicle the great changes that take place within the walls of the old castle as well as her own first descent into love.
I really liked this book in the beginning but nearing the end I somehow lost interest. Maybe because it all started out as more of an adventure story but ended up being a love story, and a love story I have read so many times before. I also thought it a very fitting novel for teenage girls, because somehow I found the story a little childish at time.