A Child Called 'It'

This is the first part of an autobiographical trilogy series. Dave grows up beaten and starved by his alcoholic mother. He has to sleep in an old army cot in the basement and is only given very small amounts of food, barely enough to keep him alive. Often he has to eat leftovers from the dog's bowl. His two brothers are not allowed to acknowledge his presence and his father does not seem to know what to do with the situation.
He soon has to learn to play his mother's games. She considers him more like a slave, more an 'it' than a boy. One time she even pulls his arm out of its socket and does not take him to the hospital for 18 hours.
The most disturbing part is that the outside world knows nothing of his living nightmare. There is no one to turn to, only his dreams of someone taking care of him, loving him and calling him their son keeps Dave alive, until one day he finally finds salvation when his teachers call the authorities.
In one word; shocking!
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