By Jennifer Lauck
This is the author's childhood. Jennifer's life began happy - in Carson City, Nevada, where she lived with her parents and brother, B.J. However, like anyone of us, she does not know what lies around the next corner. After years of illness her mother dies. Her father remarries a women who belongs to a religious cult. All of a sudden young Jennifer's life changes. She is no longer the happy-go-lucky girl she used to be, but starts on a slave-like excistence that sends her to live on her own before she even is a teenager. It's a shocking, and sad, story of what happens when a series of strange cirumstances beyond your control, changes the life of an innocent child.
First and foremost a sad story but you cannot but admire someone who has come out of a childhood like that, and has made a life for herself as a grown woman. It shows that no matter what happens in our lives we have a choice as to how we choose to deal with it.